There are many important aspects of how confident people perceive their reality.
Yes, you read that right. How they perceive their reality.
Confidence starts with self-perception.
Take a moment to think of someone in your life who you admire for being confident. Do they share the traits below?
- They accept and trust themselves.
- They have a sense of control in their lives.
- They are assertive and can handle criticism.
- They have a positive view about themselves.
- They know well their strengths and weaknesses.
Nodding in agreement?
Good. Because if you are not yet as confident as you’d like yourself to be, there is hope.
Confidence is a skill that everyone can learn – including you!
How do you start?
You start by creating your positive self-perception.
A gentle way to start perceiving yourself in a positive way is to watch your language.
Yes, you read that right. Your mind always listens and the words you tell yourself are the most important words you hear.
The language you use when talking to yourself makes a world of a difference:
- talk yourself down and see your confidence plummet
- talk to yourself kindly and see your confidence soar
Repetition is key in training yourself to follow a positive, empowering language. The more you offer yourself uplifting words, the more natural they will sound.
Eager to start?
The list below is a great cheat-sheet to get started.
14 phrases confident people say:
1. I feel empowered to do this.
2. I can find a good solution.
3. I am capable and strong.
4. If it’s to be, it’s up to me.
5. I’ll figure this one out.
6. I believe in myself.
7. I trust my abilities.
8. This too will pass.
9. I can handle this.
10. I win or I learn.
11. Easy-peasy.
12. I’ve got this.
13. Not yet.
If you are not used to hearing these words, saying them to yourself will feel… awkward. Or strange. Or crazy.
Hang in there, please.
Talk to yourself in a positive way as often as you can.
You’ll get used to doing this. Uplifting words will become so familiar that you’ll forget there was a time you didn’t say them.
Start now.
Which phrase that confident people say is your favorite?