Carmen Roman Coach RTT therapist confidence ease get things done
Carmen Roman Coach RTT therapist confidence ease get things done

When you’re stressed and overwhelmed, you think everyone else has everything figured out.

Let me tell you a secret:

They don't.

In fact, no one has everything figured out – myself included!

Here are 3 secrets I know about you:

  • you don’t give yourself enough credit
  • you’re far more capable than you think you are
  • you want to become at ease but you don’t know where to start

Did I get it right?

Here's what you can do next

Here's my story:

I’m not going to tell you that I’ve experienced severe childhood trauma or that I had a breakthrough or that my life had changed overnight. 

I am (just like you?) a regular person with an ordinary childhood and average financial means, living a normal life.


People tell me I’m the most at ease person they know – which definitely has not always been the case…

Years ago, I often felt stuck, confused, overwhelmed.

Stress, anxiety and negative spiraling thoughts used to be my best friends.

Feeling inadequate and panicking over the small stuff were daily habits for me.

Beating myself up used to be my way of hating myself for not being good enough.

Let me tell you:

From the outside, I had a normal life.

But being me was not fun.

I struggled big time.

My transformation started when I came across 3 ideas I deeply resonated with:

  1. Change is 100% in your control. No one’s coming to save you.
  2. Feeling stuck is lack of clarity and a signal that you’ve stopped growing.
  3. You create your own reality through your thoughts, emotions and actions.

My life did not change overnight. I had no idea where to start:

  • How do I get myself unstuck?
  • How do I handle my emotions?
  • How do I know what I truly want?

I had one clear idea though:

  • I did not want to regret not changing.

So, I started to work on healing my past, admitting my fears, accepting my emotions and picturing a wonderful future (in my head at first!). All these while I studied psychology, neurosciences, human development, coaching, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis and alternative healing methods.

With every action, experience, learning and failure,

I became stronger, resilient, more confident – at ease!

… and I’m here to help you become the most resilient, confident, limitless version of yourself.

You can:

– get all the skills that help you live your best life

– achieve with confidence what’s most important to you

– allow yourself to be at ease no matter what life throws at you.

Official Bio:

Carmen Roman is a certified coach, NLP practitioner and RTT therapist, passionate about helping her clients get long-lasting results by empowering them to take consistent, sustainable and committed actions.

Her clients gain confidence, overcome procrastination, increase their self-esteem, conquer phobias, manage stress and advance in their careers.

Carmen holds a BA in Economics, a Master in Marketing and a BSc in Clinical Psychology.

Carmen Roman Coach RTT therapist confidence ease get things done

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I help my clients eliminate anxiety, reduce stress, remove phobias, quit smoking / emotional eating / other negative habits, eliminate compulsive behaviors, reduce perfectionism and imposter’s syndrome, increase confidence and self-esteem, learn self-empowerment and emotional regulation, build successful professional careers.

Yes, 1:1 consultations are still available for a limited period of time. You can book an initial session here 

Yes, all sessions take place online, via Zoom, at a date and time mutually agreed upon.

You are a unique person with your own individual challenges. Upon completion of the initial consultation, I’ll make a proposal fully tailored to your needs to deliver the best possible results.

I use coaching and Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®).

Coaching is the process of helping people identify and achieve personal goals through developing skills and attitudes that lead to self-empowerment.

RTT® is a super therapy, developed and fine-tuned over 30+ years, by world-renowned therapist Marisa Peer. RTT® combines the most beneficial hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience principles to bring fast (in 1 to 3 sessions) unparalleled results that last.

RTT® can have a powerful and positive impact because sustainable change and breakthroughs are achieved by uncovering the root cause, rather than just addressing the symptoms of the presenting issue.

RTT® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, known to produce a transformative effect on clients. However, the RTT® method goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy, identifying what works effectively for clients to build a revolutionary, results-driven therapeutic approach.

Unlike many hypnotherapy treatments, RTT® does not rely solely on positive reinforcement. RTT® therapy aims to get to the root cause of an issue, giving clients the most liberating understanding and transformative power to bring positive change into their lives.

People who have heard of the RTT® method, but not experienced it for themselves, sometimes think it sounds similar to Neuro-Linguistic Processing (NLP). It’s true that both NLP and RTT® can teach you how to better dialogue with your mind, and understand the difference between what your subconscious and conscious mind believe. However, RTT® has the added—and crucial—step of also directly accessing and removing whatever blocks may be there. Using specific RTT® therapy methods, clients are able to reach breakthroughs that might not have been possible with other techniques.