Your Happy Place

I don’t know about you, but my happy place is inviting me to calm down, relax and be present.

And I need to go to my happy place from time to time.

When I work and find myself overwhelmed, frustrated or when I simply need a break, I go to my happy place. Of course, I can’t physically go there… I’m traveling there in my mind.
I’ve chosen my happy place a long time ago. It’s this one.
A happy place invites you to relieve stress, relax, and put things in perspective

This is my happy place. What’s yours?

It inspires peace, tranquility, a sense of calm. And it’s by the beach, which for me is the best setup nature has to offer (you may have a different opinion, and that’s ok).
I’ve bookmarked the Google map location straight onto my laptop’s web browser toolbar. It takes one click for me to open the image. Seeing it, I’m instantly there: I can hear the sound of the ocean, I can smell the salty air and I can feel the warmth of the coffee cup I hold.
And I relax, telling myself that all is well, and I am grateful for everything unfolding in my life.
For me, this picture is a cue to calm down and take a moment to put things in perspective. I keep the picture at hand and refer to it often while I work, as a way of anchoring myself to what’s important to me.
I share this trick with my clients, especially if they’re stressed or overwhelmed when we start working together. A few of my clients chose a person instead of a place. Some chose an emotion they crave for. One client chose their mood board as their happy place! All great twists of the original idea. Anything that brings happy, nurturing, empowering emotions – qualifies!

Here’s how you can do this too:

  1. Choose the place, person or experience that makes you the happiest
  2. Take a picture of it (or for past experiences, a picture that reminds you of it)
  3. Keep the picture close (print, digital, link – the format doesn’t matter). It should be one glance or click away, immediately available to you.
  4. Switch to looking at it in moments of stress, overwhelm or when you simply need a break.
This little trick keeps stress at bay, brings you ease and puts life into perspective. And it works like magic! (but don’t take my word for it, go and test it yourself).


Choose your happy place.

Keep it close to you at all times (work included!).

Switch to it to relieve stress, relax and shift your perspective.


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